(Bilingual Post) 來自全球42個國家的科學家們正在警告他們自己的政府新的5G無線輻射對人體健康會產生前所未有的傷害
在這個平台上,大叔至今分享過的養生長壽資訊主要是飲食、運動、和恢復這三個領域。其實有另一個也很重要、很廣泛的養生領域至今只有點到但從未深入討論的是 #生活型態 (lifestyle)。這個領域又包含下列幾項:光, 電磁場 (EMF, Electronic Magnetic Field), 壓力(心境/心靈),腦神經網路,體內排毒, 益生箘 (microbiome) 。今天讓大叔帶大家進入其中一個領域,讓大家了解一下 電磁場 (EMF) 對人體健康可以產生怎樣的衝擊,沒有很深入的理論,只是先起個頭 (start raising your awareness)…
在這樣的觀點之下,另一波和上述科技革命類似,但其功能創新和對人體傷害的程度是以等比級數增加 (白話就是數千倍) 的科技 (both the functional benefits to society and the damage to human health are exponentially higher) 很快就會到來,那就是5G !
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5G generation technology promotes faster download speed and conveniences that most of us never dreamed of… But we’ll also be blanketed with a new type of radiation called “millimeter waves”… Health experts are warning about the rising risks with a 5G rollout.
5G電訊科技可以帶給人類我們的數據傳輸速度和方便性遠遠的超乎我們的想像…但同時,我們每一個人也將會被一種叫做「毫米波長」的新輻射鋪天蓋地、無時地籠罩… 健康領域的專家門正在提醒我們5G時代帶來的風險…
Frank Clegg Former President of Microsoft Canada: “It’s not been made clear to the public that 5G won’t just be another number and a letter on your cell phone. It requires an entirely new infrastructure of thousands of small cellular antennas to be erected throughout the cities where it’s going to be installed.”
What would 5G infrastructure look like? Small cell antennas could be placed as close as every 3rd hydro pole.
這種新的5G基礎架構架設起來是什麼樣子呢?就是以後馬路上每三支電線桿就必須安裝一支小型的蜂窩式天線 (註:你現在走在台灣的馬路上大概是幾百公尺會看到一支電信業者的無線發射台天線呢?)
Scientists from 42 countries are now warning their governments about the emerging health problems associated with wireless radiation, and Canadian doctors and scientists have added their voices.
Dr. Riina Bray: “the most prevalent symptoms include headache, fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, tinnitus, irritability, and insomnia. Impacts on the heart and nervous system are also of concern.”
Dr. Riina Bray has been working at the Provincial Environmental Health Clinic for 15 years, and seen the number of people suffering adverse effects from electromagnetic exposure rising.
Dr. Riina Bray: “we predict that the number of people who develop the symptoms I just mentioned will rise in the places where 5G is first installed.”
Dr. Magda Havas is internationally recognized for her research on the biological effects of electromagnetic pollution. She said that at high intensities these waves cause intense heat and pain because sweat glands on the surface of our skin act like mini antennas.
Dr. Magda Havas, professor and researcher: “at lower intensities scientists are predicting damage to eyes, loss of insect populations, which are already declining, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and physiological effects on the nervous system and the immune system.”
Radiation from radio frequencies is classed in the same category of carcinogens as a lead.
One advisor to the World Health Organization said there’s enough evidence that if they were to re-evaluate radiofrequency radiation…
Dr. Anthony Miller: “it would be placed Class One, human carcinogen, the government could not possibly ignore that.”
世界衛生組織的一位顧問,安東尼米勒博士說,已經有足夠的證據證明,如果世界衛生組織重新評估這種無線電波的影響層面,它絕對會被歸類成 #第一類人體致癌物,政府單位是不可能可以忽略這件事情的”
Some say the scientific debate about the health effects of microwave radiation is over. But the question remains: Can we afford to take this risk?
Medical doctors are requesting delayed deployment until testing can be conducted on the long-term biological effects of 5G technology.
這些醫學博士們要求直到5G科技對人體生理的影響有做過 #長期 的測試之前,5G的建置應該繼續被擱置。