健康飲食領域裡越來越夯的防彈咖啡的創始人 Dave Asprey 曾說過:如果有人拿著槍頂著我的腦袋逼我在吃一塊炸雞和抽一根煙兩者之間做一個選擇,我會選擇抽一根煙;也就是說,他認為吃炸雞對健康的傷害比抽煙還大。
沙拉油油炸的食品 應該是當下一般人飲食習慣中看起來似乎是OK的食物中對健康傷害最大也最快的,因為所有沙拉油(是的,我是指「所有」,即使不是黑心油)都是對健康很有害的,經過高溫烹飪後其毒性更高(會產生大量的自由基,會很快導致「體內發炎」 inflammation ,體內發炎是各種慢性疾病 chronic diseases{包括肥胖、糖尿病、老人痴呆、和癌症} 的最主要源頭),台灣無知的情況比其他國家嚴重,有很多經典美食都是油炸的。我也承認我很喜歡吃鹽酥雞和臭豆腐😋,因為真的太美味😂!但這兩年來很少吃了(一年一次吧)。
這一個觀點在我去年讀的一本很重要的營養學的書裡有深入的說明,書名是Deep Nutrition, 作者 Catherine Shanahan 是一位有醫學博士學位的執業醫師,2012到2017年擔任美國NBA湖人隊的營養顧問,幫湖人隊從傳統的高碳低脂飲食轉換成低碳高脂飲食法,並有很好的成效。這本營養學的書是寫給一般人讀的,涉獵很廣,份量夠(512頁)又很實用,力推。
In one of his podcasts, Dave Asprey, the inventor of “Bulletproof Coffee” (now a brand and trendy diet), said if he was to be forced by a gun pointing at his head to choose between eating a piece of #FriedChicken (using vegetable oil) and smoking a #cigaret, he would choose the latter.
DeepFriedFood using vegetable oil is among the most harmful to your health in nutrition-unconscious people’s diet today, especially in Taiwan. It’s the shortest path to increase inflammation in your body, which is one of the most common causes for chronic diseases including diabetes and even cancer.
Anyone who questions the credibility of this viewpoint can read more in the book Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan, MD., who was a nutrition consultant for the NBA Lakers from 2012 to 2017.