A Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) can be used by people without diabetes to get insights into how different foods and other parameters in daily life affect blood glucose fluctuation. This is important for people who are pursuing optimal health and anti-aging as how your blood glucose spikes and stabilises is one of the key factors in your overall long-term health. For additional up-to-date information on this topic, please subscribe with my mailing list (action button on the upper right corner) or follow Coach Denys FB fans’ page.
沒有糖尿病的人也可以用連續型血糖監測儀來幫助自己了解不同的食物和生活中各種狀況如何影響自己血糖的飆升和平衡,進而更精準地讓自己的血糖盡量甚至常年維持在最佳狀態,這對在養生和抗老化的領域裡是個很重要的議題,我會在這個網站上進一步繼續分享這方面的資訊,歡迎訂閱防彈大叔文章更新 (連結在右上角) 或追蹤防彈大叔臉書粉絲專頁。