(Bilingual Post) 人體的 生理時鐘(晝夜節律)對當下的生理表現及長遠的健康和壽命會有深遠的影響!How circadian rhythm affects your overall health and longevity is profound.
多在早上曬太陽 + 赤足接地氣 可以幫助調節失衡的生理時鐘 。Exposure to morning sun and earthing helps modulate imbalanced circadian rhythm.
How circadian rhythm affects performance of NBA players and race results. Read more in this article.
人體生理時鐘(circadian rhythm)運作之複雜、精密、與神奇,可在這篇研究報告一窺一二。
Geek in the complexity and wonder of circadian rhythm in this article.
以此可以推論,如果你的生活作息把你的生理時鐘搞糊塗了(例如,跨時區旅行和晚上看藍光 [滑手機,看電視] 太久 ),你身體的各種器官和新陳代謝功能定會受影響。
1. 在當地早上出門多曬曬太陽
2. 赤足到戶外的草皮,泥地,或海邊湖邊沙灘走一走
1. 早上的陽光對調節生理時鐘(調整時差)的幫助
Blue-Enriched Morning Light as a Countermeasure to Light at the Wrong Time: Effects on Cognition, Sleepiness, Sleep, and Circadian Phase.
Conclusion 👉 “Our results indicate that
bright blue-enriched morning light stabilizes circadian phase, and it could be an effective counterstrategy for poor lighting during the day and also light exposure at the wrong time, such as in the late evening.”
Light during the day and darkness at night are crucial factors for proper entrainment of the human circadian system to the solar 24-h day… We tested if bright blue-enriched morning light over several days could counteract the detrimental effects of inadequate daytime and evening lighting. In a seminaturalistic, within-between subject study design, 18 young participants were exposed to different lighting conditions… Subjective sleepiness, reaction times, salivary melatonin concentrations, and nighttime sleep were assessed. Exposure to the blue-enriched morning lighting showed acute wake-promoting effects and faster reaction times than with control lighting… performance improved over several days. The magnitude of circadian phase shifts induced by combinations of 3 different evening and 2 morning lighting conditions were significantly smaller with the blue-enriched morning light… Our results indicate that
bright blue-enriched morning light stabilizes circadian phase, and it could be an effective counterstrategy for poor lighting during the day and also light exposure at the wrong time, such as in the late evening.
© 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.
不管你的生理時鐘失調是因為跨時區旅行還是晚上看太多藍光 (滑手機、用電腦、在璀璨的霓虹燈鬧區逛太晚)造成的,隔天早上出門曬太陽可以幫助你調回生理時鐘。
防彈大叔補充說明:早上出去曬太陽時請不要穿長褲長袖,不要撐傘,最重要的,不要戴太陽眼鏡,連近視眼鏡都不要戴,這樣效果才會好 !
2. 赤足接地氣對平衡生理時鐘(調整時差)的幫助
Can Earthing Really Help With Jet Lag?
人體的諸多生理運作受太陽光的影響之深遠,在醫學裡是很先進的一個領域,影響範疇從宏觀的生理時鐘到生化分子層次的三磷酸腺苷(ATP)的合成過程。除了陽光以外,另一個對人體生理運作有巨大深遠影響的是地球的電磁場 (EMF, Electronic Magnetics Field),影響層面從微觀的幫助幹細胞生成新細胞的運作到決定心裡精神狀態的腦波頻率波段(Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta)。
防彈大叔補充說明:陽光和電磁場這兩個領域不論是對一般人的養生、病人的療癒、或運動員的表現,都是相當重要的,防彈大叔在過去文章裡偶而提到,但一直沒有任何專文分享,是因為這是兩個比較艱澀的領域。但小編個人在這兩個領域的學習和更重要的實際實驗和運用 (i.e., biohacking)已有多年經驗,是這個平台 分享探討內容不可缺的兩個養生主題,小編以後會開始多分享。
When being in direct contact with the Earth, the effects and adjustment period to your new local time zone can be significantly reduced.
The Earth’s energy coordinates our biological clock which regulates hormone flow in our bodies. When in contact with the Ground, the slow and gentle rhythm of the Earth’s (electronic-magnetic) field of energy is essential for maintaining our circadian rhythm. The day/night or wake/sleep cortisol levels are normalized when touching the Earth. The Earth’s energy potential fluctuates according to the position of the sun and moon so at any point on its surface, the circadian cycle will be different
當你接地氣時,地球巨大的電磁場會慢慢幫你把你的生理時鐘調回到與當地同步,隨之而來的,你的睡眠荷爾蒙(褪黑素 melatonin)和醒著時衝衝衝的荷爾蒙(可體松 cortisol) 會適時地被排放出來,幫助你的生理時鐘盡快和當地的作息同步。這種能量磁場的運作跟太陽月亮的位置以及你目前的位置有關,所以,跨時差旅行時,一到目的地就可以盡快去赤足接地,越早接地氣,你的時差會越早調過來。