高糖飲食幫助冠狀病毒魚目混珠蒙蔽免疫系統 Sugar-Coating Disguise Allows for Coronavirus Infection

UC San Diego scientists created a 3-D computer model of the coronavirus spike protein with a sugar shield on it. A cross section of that model is shown in the image above, with the dark blue representing the sugars, June 25, 2020.

防彈大叔觀點 Remarks by Coach Denys:

This is another evidence that supports the viewpoint that people with metabolic diseases (including type II diabetes and obesity, caused mainly by today’s mainstream unhealthy diet loaded with sugar and carbs) are way more vulnerable to coronavirus. This one seems harder for the naysayers to dismiss.

四天前最新的一篇報導更具體地指出為什麼高糖高碳水化合物飲食最容易造成的新陳代謝疾病 (如第二型糖尿病患者及肥胖者) 在受冠狀病毒感染後特別容易發病。對不相信這種理論的人來說,要忽視這篇報告的難度高了一點。

This is not about discrimination against fat and sick people. This is about acknowledging a wakeup call from the Universe to the human race on how we have been abusing our health with unhealthy diet in recent decades. It’s been a case against sugar.


Here are highlights of the article 中文摘譯如下:

The coronavirus is covered in a sugary exterior which makes it hard for the body to fight against it.


“It’s really those spike proteins that are really the main infection machinery of the virus,” said UC San Diego computational chemist Rommie Amaro. “And these are the bits of the virus that get really heavily coated with this sugary coating so that our immune system can’t detect it in the body.”


Many cells in our body also have sugar coatings. Viruses like coronavirus have adapted to be covered in sugar to blend in, Amaro said. The body has a hard time detecting the virus, covered in this shield, so it can survive and be more infectious.

我們體內的許多細胞也有糖衣。 阿瑪羅說,像冠狀病毒這樣的病毒已經演化到知道去用糖衣覆蓋來達到魚目混珠的目的。 人體免疫系統很難檢測到被這種防護罩覆蓋的病毒,因此這些病毒可以生存並且更具感染力。

The dark blue parts indicate the sugar layer. 深藍色的部分就是糖衣

“The human body thinks it’s sort of similar to what should be in the body and then doesn’t attack it,” she said.


“There are some holes in the shield,” she said. “And these are some so-called vulnerabilities and this is why it’s important to identify where those open areas in the shield are. It gives us a better chance to design neutralizing antibodies.”


More information can be found on this 2020/06/18 report by UCSD. 想進一步了解的人可以閱讀這篇加州大學聖地牙哥分校6月18號的報告

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