Heat acclimation is one of the channels into homeostasis, which is an ideal state for health and longevity – the more you maintain your physiology in homeostasis, the healthier and resilient you will be. Other channels into homeostasis include cold thermogenesis, fasting, lifting heavy weight, long distance endurance exercise, and even barefoot running – all are stressors to your body.
是滴💧我的字典裡頭沒有中暑這個詞😉☀️ 我的現況朋友們有目共睹,不需要我炫耀;我只是繼續宣揚我的理念:訓練自己的身體去適應幾種關鍵的大自然壓力(例如:很熱/很冷、飢餓、舉重、長距離耐力運動、赤足跑步),不要過頭,拿捏好在自己可以承受的程度之內(慢慢增加),是養生長壽的重要方法和心法。在生理學和哲學的領域裡,這個觀念叫做穩態或體內平衡 (Homeostasis),也就是哲學家尼采那句名言說的:”沒有把我幹掉的,只會讓我變得更強大“ (“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

These stressors, when well tuned (i.e., not going over too much and increased gradually), can put your body more into a homeostasis state and are among the secrets for longevity. The value of homeostasis is best articulated by the famous quote by the German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
Finally yet more importantly, these “homeostasis promoting stressors” should not be regarded extra, unnatural approaches taken only by the aggressive few who are pursuing optimal superhuman health. From an anthropological perspective, these stressors are the norms in the life of our ancestors for hundreds of thousands years on earth until the “agriculture revolution” around ten thousand years ago. That’s why ancestral lifestyle (or #primal_lifestyle) is in the foundation of functional medicine and wholistic medicine.
從心法來看,還必須補充一點:從事這類的訓練並非為了追求最佳健康才額外去做的“非常人應該做的事”,也不是頂尖運動員或社會菁英份子的專利,因為從人類學的觀點來看,我們的老祖宗們在地球上六百萬年來 (或六十萬年來,如果用比較接近現代人類的“智人Homo Sapiens”來算) 一直就是過著這種 充滿各種生理刺激、很不舒服的(不文明)生活,直到大約一萬兩千年前的農業革命,人類停止了打獵和遊牧的生活後,才開始過越來越舒服(文明)的生活。但這舒服的一萬兩千年其實佔人類在地球上的歷史不到 1%。人類的生心理功能(包括基因)其實絕大部分都還是根據我們老祖宗的環境和生活方式在運作的。這也是為什麼在功能醫學和自然療法的領域裡,都會鼓勵人們把生活中的某些元素適度地回歸到我們老祖宗的生活方式(原始人飲食法 paleo diet 就是其中ㄧ個例子),英文叫做 Primal Lifestyle.