
Efan Hsieh

Massachusetts, U.S.A.  / Age 40


Coach Denys worked with me over the course of 3 months in early 2021 to optimize some core health issues that had been holding me back for some time: sleep, nutrition/diet, and fitness. Although I was learning a lot about each of these issues myself, it wasn’t enough for me to make and keep the personal changes to really feel the improvement that I wanted in these areas. Denys first asked me about what my vision for optimal health meant to me, which no one had ever asked me before! Through working weekly with him to break down my larger goals into manageable chunks, I was able to make significant progress on my daily habits and my overall health. 

This year, I have become more in tune with my vision for optimal health, which is the foundation of everything in my life. I feel better, eat better, and have more energy. Coach Denys walks the talk. His endless passion to help others and his curiosity to explore the reaches of human potential are inspiring. I highly recommend his coaching services. 

有了Coach Dneys,走在正確方向省去很多踩坑危機!

In May 2021, in the midst of the pandemic, I signed up for Denys’ health coaching course. Although I already had some experience in ketogenic diet and nutrition for more than half a year prior to that, I did make some progress in my my weight, body fat percentage and physical condition after taking several coaching sessions with Coach Denys. I benefited a lot by putting what I learned from Denys into action hence avoided some pitfalls.  My weight effectively dropped from 64 kg to 61 kg. Although it’s only 3 kg, it really helped me get better at monitoring and managing my physical condition. I look forward to my next challenge and coaching with Deny. tThank you Coach Denys for your guidance.

Tharin Tung

Kaohsiung, Taiwan / Age 54

Alan Lee

California, U.S.A. / Age 62

謝謝 Coach Denys,讓我在短短三個月內,免除三高煩惱,重新找回了健康

I started working with Coach Denys after my doctor told me I needed to change my lifestyle by losing weight and lowering my blood pressure and blood sugar. Coach Denys has extensive knowledge and experience on diet and exercise, and has provided a lot of helpful advices and healthy habits to integrate into my daily life. We discussed my personal health and fitness goals and current progress, and I always left with helpful guidance and support to continue my momentum. Under the guidance of Coach Denys, my body weight, blood sugar and blood pressure have dropped significantly and are in the normal healthy range now. My weight dropped 35 pounds, fasting blood glucose level lowered from 106 mg/dL down to 85-95 mg/dL range, and my blood pressure dropped from 155 mmHg down to 115-125 mmHg range. I would strongly recommend anyone who wants to improve their overall health, be it just losing 10 pounds or getting out of pre-diabetes, to work with Coach Denys!

Coach Denys

防彈大叔 Coach Denys 除了有12年的養生逆齡成功經驗以外, 也是一位斯巴達勇士 (Earned his Spartan Trifecta in 2021), 更具備鐵人頭銜 (2019 IRONMAN Taiwan Finisher),長年維持均衡的有氧+無氧運動 (重訓+騎公路車+高強度間歇短跑 )。 2018年9月從36年的製造業資訊主管職涯退休,2019年11月開始,花了一年半時間進修, 在2021年4月成為台灣第一位取得美國 ADAPT 認證的健康輔導師 (Health Coach ) (截至2021年11月也是台灣唯一的一位)。
ADAPT Functional Health Coach Training Program 是全球少數最嚴格扎實的健康輔導師培訓課程,已通過的國際權威性認證單位包括 USA National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBC-HWC),  UK Health Coaches Association (UKHCA), Health Coach Alliance Approved School, Health Coaches of Australia & New Zealand Association Approved School. 

健康輔導 (Health Coaching) 服務方式:

  • 採用網路視訊會議軟體
    優先考慮功能最齊全的 ZOOM(其他視訊軟體也可以,例如Google Meet、 LINE 或 FaceTime)
  • 輔導時間
    • 每次輔導課程時間1小時, 專注在協助客戶擴展視野、起心動念、發揮對自己負責的行動力(inspire and support clients to hold themselves accountable to take action)。健康資訊的提供(例如飲食和運動的方法)會在課堂外用文件另外提供。
    • 每週或每兩週上課一次。根據經驗,輔導課程一般需要三到七堂課才會見到成效。
    • 預約輔導,以三堂課起跳。
  • 預約前討論會議 (Intake Session)


  • 每堂課費用台幣$3,300 (美金$120)


  • 訂金:三堂課費用 (NT$9,900)
  • 付款方式:銀行 ATM 轉帳(預約後告知帳號)


Coach Denys可以幫助你

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