
Mark Hyman, MD 是我追隨多年的一位功能醫學大師,除了在健康養生抗老化的領域裡聲譽和影響力很高以外,專長之一是可以把複雜難懂的概念用簡單易懂的文字分享給大眾,所以也是很多本健康養生暢銷書的作者。 前幾天他才剛發表的這篇文章,我把開場部分的前言直接英翻中在這裡分享,有興趣閱讀原文全文的人可以點擊👉 這個連結

我希望透過 Dr. Hyman 的這篇文章讓大家對微量營養素 (也就是維生素+礦物質) 的重要性先有個初步的認知, 近期內就會推出的防彈大叔抗老化播客第23集就會針對一個很重要的微量營養素 做很深入也很全面的探討,敬請期待。

When doctors, dietitians, and even cereal boxes emphasize “essential” vitamins and minerals, they don’t mean essential as in “pretty important.”

They mean essential as in… “YOU MUST HAVE THESE TO LIVE!”



And here’s another crucial point: Your body can’t produce these vitamins and minerals on its own. You have to get all 29 of them from your diet.

然後,還有一個關鍵點:你的身體無法自行產生微量營養素 ,你必須從飲食中獲取全部 29 種物質。

These essential nutrients fall into a category known as “micronutrients.” But don’t let the “micro” fool you—micronutrients have profound, far-reaching benefits on your health and longevity.

From supporting your metabolism to regulating your heartbeat, your body relies on micronutrients as essential building blocks for nearly every vital task that keeps you healthy.

Yet most people aren’t optimizing their intake. Not even close.

這些必要的維生素和礦物質統稱「微量營養素」。但千萬不要以為「微量」就表示「不是很重要」- – 微量營養素對你的健康和長壽有極其深遠的 重要性和好處。



Maintaining adequate micronutrient levels isn’t just about preventing deficiencies or “hitting the minimums”—it’s about optimizing your intake for a longer, more vibrant life. 

Here are some of the key functions that vitamins and minerals are involved in to keep your body functioning well:



  1. Energy Production and Metabolism  能量的產生和代
  2. Nervous System Support  神經系統功能的維護
  3. Immune Function  免疫系統功能
  4. Hormonal Balance  幫助維持荷爾蒙分泌的平衡
  5. Bone Health  骨骼的健康
  6. Antioxidant Defense  抗氧化防禦
  7. Blood Health  健康的血液

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