
鐵人三項生涯14年,也一直有在練重訓的我為何在去年63歲高齡決定學滑板,而且是難度最高的短板(也叫技術板)? 我喜歡滑板運動的原因有好幾個,包括進入門檻很低、花20年也學不完的技術、滑板人重複摔倒馬上開心站起來的姿態、滑板場的高能量、甚至每一個滑板人多少都具備的叛逆精神,應該還有。但我的決定最主要還是跟防彈大叔的初衷有關:就是為了 抗老化。鐵人三項給我的是心肺功能 (cardio capacity),重訓給我的是肌肉量和肌力。但我一直很欠缺的,除了靈活度 (flexibility) 以外就是穩定度 (stability)。 雖然兩種都是重要的健康指標,但就抗老化這個目標而言,穩定度特別重要,為什麼? 就如我在討論骨骼密度的播客第12集裡談到的,過60歲以後,會讓死亡率升高的最大風險之一就是摔倒。要防止摔倒,除了靠足夠的肌力以外,也要靠良好的穩定度。 身體穩定度靠的不只是足夠和有力的肌肉,更要靠很多深層小肌群的協調,以及肌腱 (銜接肌肉和骨骼)、關節、和腦神經傳達系統。 這些節骨眼決定了所謂的本體感覺 (proprioception)。
本體感覺的定義:又稱肌肉運動知覺和本體覺,是一種對肌肉各個部份的動作或者一連串動作所產生的感覺,也稱為自我知覺。 這些感覺來自於肌肉或肌腱內的本體覺受器,這些受器會自動監測肌肉的長度改變、壓力變化和張力變化,再將這些資訊整合傳送到大腦。 Ref.👉 維基百科定義
但人體的本體感覺從30歲開始會隨著年紀的增長退化,60歲開始退化的速度會加快。 這就是為什麼年紀越大,要維持穩定度越難,越容易跌倒。
好消息是:本體感覺的退化不但可以被控制,甚至可以逆轉。怎麼做到?兩個原則:1. 有許多訓練的方法,2. 從事對穩定度要求特別高的運動,例如:滑板~ 這就是我決定學滑板的初衷。
我在播客裡分享過很多次的一個理念:人體很多功能你越是少用它就退化得越快,所謂 “不用則廢 Use it or lose it.” 人體的穩定度就是其中之一。
下面我想分享的是人體的本體感覺這個機制是如何形成和運作的,可以幫助你了解它的複雜、神奇和重要性,進而正視並珍惜 (appreciate) 本體感覺的存在,把它當成你為了健康長壽而追求的具體目標之一。內容主要來自兩篇國外的研究報告,我直接做重點式的中英對照陳述。 歡迎大家在文章下面留言討論。
Proprioception was first defined by neuropsychologist Charles Sherrington at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, proprioception is defined as the ability of an organism to perceive the position and motion of joints and the perception of force, in space.
本體感覺 是由神經心理學家 Charles Sherrington 在 20 世紀初首次定義的。 如今,本體感覺被定義為:有機體 (所有生物) 對於關節在空間裡的位置、動作 及 受力的感知能力。
Proprioception demands coordinated action of different types of receptors. Mechanoreceptors, more precisely proprioceptors, are located in tendons, muscles, ligaments and joint capsules. Included among the proprioceptors are the Golgi tendon organ, the muscle spindle, the Pacini corpuscle, free nerve endings and the receptors in the joint capsules and skin.
本體感覺需要靠不同類型的神經受體 (receptors) 的協調。 所謂的機械感受器 (mechanoreceptors),更準確地說是本體感受器 (proprioceptors),位於肌腱、肌肉、韌帶和關節囊中。 本體感受器包括高爾基肌腱、肌梭、帕西尼小體、遊離神經末梢、關節囊和皮膚中的感受器。
The mechanoreceptors transmit information on the position and motion of the joints to the central nervous system. They are sensitive to mechanical stimuli. The mechanical changes in the tissues with the proprioceptors cause the activation of these specific receptors, thereby releasing stored sodium into the cells, which is the first step in provoking the action potential. The nerve signal is then transmitted through the afferent sensory pathways to the central nervous system. Here, the sensory information is processed and integrated with other sensory input into the nervous system. The response is sent via the efferent motor pathways to target tissues. Sending proprioceptive signals to the central nervous system via afferent sensory pathways is essential for the control of body movement.
機械感受器將關節位置和移動的訊息傳遞至中樞神經系統。他們對機械性的刺激很敏感。 具有本體感受器的組織中的機械變化導致這些特定受體被激活,從而將儲存的鈉釋放到細胞中,這是激發動作電位的第一步 (防彈大叔說明:這裡突然提到「鈉」和「電位」,其實是粒線體 (mitochondria) 產生能量運作的一部分,有興趣的人可以去搜尋 “mitochondria proton gradient” 進一步閱讀)。 接著,神經訊號會透過 傳入感覺路徑 (afferent sensory pathways) 傳遞至中樞神經系統。 在這裡,感知訊息會被處理並與其他感知輸入整合到神經系統中,於是應該發生的回應就會透過傳出運動路徑 (efferent motor pathways) 發送至目標組織 (target tissues)。 所以,透過傳入感覺路徑向中樞神經系統發送本體感覺訊號對於控制身體運動至關重要。
Proprioception itself has an unconscious and a conscious component. At the unconscious level, the signals protect the overstretching of the joint capsule, which is reflected at the level of reflex movement, control of muscle tone and posture. At the conscious level, proprioception enables the awareness of the joint, body movements and the awareness of the joint position.
本體感覺本身俱有無意識和有意識兩個層面。 在無意識層面,這些訊號可以保護關節囊的過度伸展,反映在身體的反射運動、肌肉張力和姿勢的控制上。 在有意識層面,本體感覺讓身體可以感知到關節的存在、關節的位置和身體的動作。
The deterioration of the proprioceptive mechanisms with aging involves changes in peripheral and central nervous system. Due to alterations in proprioception, the biomechanics of the joints and the neuromuscular control of the limbs change, resulting in the balance disturbances. The proprioceptive functions decline during the aging process, which has been associated with the balance deficits. A poor balance and a poor proprioception function increase the likelihood of falls.
隨著年齡的增長,本體感覺機制的退化跟「周圍和中樞神經系統的變化」有關。 由於本體感覺的改變,關節裡跟生物力學 (biomechanics) 相關的機制和四肢的神經肌肉控制機制 (neuromuscular control) 發生了變化,導致平衡感受到干擾。 本體感覺功能在老化過程中下降,與「平衡感隨著年紀增長而降低」有關。 平衡感變差和本體感覺功能變弱會增加跌倒的可能性。
An age-related decline in the proprioception is most likely associated with a decrease in the dynamic response of muscle spindles and the atrophy of axons that cause defects in the processing and input of sensory information. This reduces the speed of translation by nerve fibres. At the central level, therefore, the age-related decline in proprioception reflects as a progressive decline of dendrites in the motor cortex, the appearance of neurochemical modifications in the brain and the loss of neurons and receptors.
與年齡相關的本體感覺下降很可能與「肌梭動態反應下降」(decrease in the dynamic response of muscle spindles) 和「神經元軸突萎縮」(atrophy of axons) 有關,從而導致 對感知訊息的輸入和處理不完整。 結果就是神經纖維對訊號的翻譯速度降低了。 因此,在中樞層面上,與年齡相關的本體感覺下降是反映在大腦的 運動皮質 (motor cortex) 裡 樹突 (dendrites) 的逐漸減少、大腦裡發生 神經化學性的變化 以及 神經元 及 受體 的消失。
In older people, motor units are on average longer and slower, which is reflected in the field of organization and thus the production of muscular strength and control. This is also reflected in the proprioceptive functions. Without appropriate proprioception, the onset of movements is slowed whereas movement planning is defective and inadequate. Both balance and motor coordination problems coincide with aging, whereby proprioception plays at least a partial role. Deficits in proprioception lead to a poorer perception of the position of the body in space, leading to inadequate biomechanics of joints during everyday activities, while long-lasting inadequate biomechanics causes degeneration of joints over time. Due to changes in proprioception, the neuromuscular control of the lower limbs changes and as a result there is a poor balance in the elderly.
從腦神經對骨骼肌的操控上來看,老年人的 運動單位 (骨骼肌的基本運作單位) 平均更長、更慢,這不只反映在肌肉組織上,也進而反映在肌肉力量的產生和控制上,當然也反映在整體的本體感覺功能上。 如果沒有適當的本體感覺,任何動作的開始就會減慢,對動作的預期也會出問題。 平衡感和運動協調問題的出現都與老化同時發生,探究因果,至少有一部分跟本體感覺有關。 本體感覺缺陷會導致對身體在空間中的位置的感知變差,從而導致關節的「生物力學功能」不足,即使只是做一些日常生活的動作。而長期的生物力學功能不足會導致關節隨著時間的推移而退化。 由於本體感覺的退化,下肢的神經肌肉控制隨之退化,導致老年人的平衡能力變差。
All changes in the proprioceptive field have a significant impact on the individual’s movement, which is also associated with the high incidence of falls in the elderly. According to statistical surveys, falls are an important cause of mortality and can significantly impair the quality of life. The highest share of fatal falls is in people just over 65 years old.
本體感覺的所有變化都會對一個人的動作產生重大影響,這也與老年人跌倒的高發生率有關。 根據統計調查,跌倒是導致死亡的重要原因,並會嚴重損害生活品質。 跌倒致死比例最高的是 65 歲以上的族群。
Research describes various proprioceptive exercise programs, although there is no single point of view about exactly what such training should look like. Appropriate proprioceptive training can be effective in improving proprioceptive function… it can lead to a better outcome in postural stability, static and dynamic balance.
已有一些研究提出了各種改善本體感覺的運動計劃,但對於此類訓練到底應該是什麼樣子,學術界目前還沒有統一的觀點。適當的本體感覺訓練可以有效改善本體感覺功能… 它可以在姿勢穩定性、靜態和動態平衡方面帶來更好的結果。
Ref 1. The Importance and Role of Proprioception in the Elderly: a Short Review – 2019/09, PMID: 31762707
Even within a healthy population power, balance, mobility, and functional movement may be lower for those aged over 30 years…
These results show that regular snowsport participation such as skiing and snowboarding, that occur in dynamic and changing environments, may i) protect against age-related proprioception decline, and ii) provide a rehabilitative effect for CAI (Chronic Ankle Instability).
(好消息是) 這些研究結果顯示,在動態和變化的環境中定期參與像是滑雪和單板滑雪 (snowboarding) 等雪上運動,可以
1.) 防止因年齡增長而導致的本體感覺下降
2.) 為「慢性踝關節不穩定」(Chronic Ankle Instability) 提供復建作用。
Ref 2. Age-related proprioceptive decline is not seen in lifelong skiing and snowboarding participants: Lessons for balanced active healthy ageing -2022/10, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport (JSAMS)