
這是一個關於 壓力如何影響你的身心健康以及如何解套 的紀錄片,Dr. Joseph Mercola 推薦的,我把他的推薦文重點摘錄翻譯並加註如下:


“條件反射 (Conditioned Response, 又稱制約反應) 是一種經過學習累積下來的反應,在重複暴露於特定觸發因素後會自動發生。

例如,如果你在社交場合有過幾次某種負面經驗,那麼每當您在社交環境中再次面對類似的經驗 (刺激) 時,即使沒有直接的威脅,你可能也會產生焦慮 (條件反射)。這些條件反射可能會變得根深蒂固,乃至影響你的身心健康 (小編註:不只是心理狀態,還包括生理功能)。

如果你不能正確地處理或表達與這些反應相關的情緒,它們可能會在你的身體中被一直壓抑著… 你在生活中沒有發洩出來的 (潛在焦慮) 會被壓抑著,直到它以疾病或功能障礙的形式展現出來, 初期症狀可能只是以焦慮症或憂鬱症的形式出現 (小編註:但長期下來就會反映在某些生理功能的障礙上,最常見的包括自體免疫性疾病)。時下, 大多人在這種情況下很快就會嘗試服用藥物,但那只是 治標不治本。”

“Conditioned response is a learned reaction that occurs automatically after repeated exposure to specific triggers

For example, if you’ve had multiple negative experiences in social situations, you might develop anxiety (the conditioned response) whenever you’re in a social setting (the stimulus), even if there’s no immediate threat. These conditioned responses could become deeply ingrained and affect your physical and emotional well-being.

If you don’t properly process or express the emotions tied to these responses, they can become repressed in your body… What you don’t express in life you’ll repress until it expresses as disease or dysfunction. Symptoms can show up in the form of anxiety or depression. And in modern days, people are quick to try to take a pill, which is just masking or covering up a symptom.”

‘Stressed’ – An Eye-Opening Perspective on the Effects of Stress  by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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