運動員如何評估訓練後的恢復程度 ? How Athletes Assess Post-training Recovery?

(Bilingual Post) The changes in the body caused by exercise only become beneficial with sufficient recovery time. Excess physical (and mental) stress and insufficient recovery time can easily lead to overreaching. On the other hand, if the objective is to develop various physiological properties, temporary overreaching is necessary as long as it is paired with sufficient recovery time.

運動(訓練)後身體的改變對後續的功能表現是有幫助的,但前提是必須要有足夠的恢復期。體力(包括心理壓力)上的過度負荷加上不夠的恢復期很容易導致訓練過度 (overreaching)。

Recovery assessment is therefore important, particularly when it comes to individuals with training goals.

所以,對恢復的評估 是很重要的,尤其是對於有賽事日期、目標、和緊湊的訓練時程的運動員。

Most important objective tools for monitoring recovery:

以下是幾個可以客觀量測 #恢復程度 的方法:

Heart rate variability (HRV)
心跳變化率 (這跟大家熟悉的心跳率HR不一樣喔)

Average rMSSD during the night (most used HRV metrics)
HF power
LF power
VLF power
ULF power

Resting heart rate (RHR)

Distinct increases in the resting heart rate are indicative of impaired recovery speed

Heart rate recovery after exercise – X percent in Z minutes

Heart rate lowering speed during sleep
整晚睡眠期間的心跳率何時才降下來?舉例,10:30PM就寢6:30起床,心跳率”在12:30AM就降下來” 比 “到3:00AM才降下來” 恢復程度更好。這也表示你用來量測睡眠品質的工具要有記錄整晚連續心跳率的功能。

Average resting heart rate during sleep

Sleep quantity and quality
睡眠時數和品質參數,最重要的是深層睡眠快速眼皮跳動期 (REM sleep)的時間長度

Orthostatic test (variation in blood pressure in different positions)

防彈大叔推薦:要量測紀錄這些科學化的量化數據,在消費者等級的配戴式裝置裡,大叔推薦我每晚使用已經三年了的 Ōura Ring.
幾乎每一位我推崇的國外有名的biohacker、功能醫學大師、 和許多名人(包括英國皇室王子Harry) 都佩戴這一隻戒指; 這家未上市的公司後台的投資者包刮好萊塢明星 Wells Smith 和 NBA職籃球員及球評Shaquille O’Neal!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

本文取自幾天前 Ben Greenfield 對 Dr. Olli Sovijärvi 的訪談.This article is based on a podcast interview with Dr. Olli Sovijärvi by Ben Greenfield.

Ben Greenfield is an ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete (finished in a bit over 10 hours at Kona several times), Spartan racer, and coach. In 2008, he was voted NSCA’s Personal Trainer of the year and in 2013 and 2014 was named one of the top 100 Most Influential People In Health And Fitness (Greatist)

Dr. Olli Sovijärvi, MD, is one of the pioneers of holistic medicine and biohacking in Finland.

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