(Bilingual Post) 來自德國、瑞士、希臘、奧地利的七位跨領域(醫學/運動/營養/生理學)科學家在2019年7月發表的一篇研究報告裡針對281位長距離跑步運動員依男女性別在多個健康指標的生理反應上 (health status) 的差異做分析。(文末有報告連結)
🏃🏻♀️在女性長跑者中比較常發現有 #甲狀腺機能低下症,女性長跑者也比較常服用甲狀腺和荷爾蒙方面的藥物或補給品
🏃🏻♂️男性長跑者常見的問題是體重BMI降低 (小編註:指的應該是肌肉部份)
🏃🏻♀️ 女性長跑者應該定期量測血液裡甲狀腺參數和維他命D含量
☀️體內維他命D太低對身體健康功能的影響層面太廣太深,可以寫一本書;維他命D也早已被醫學界公認為是(美國)一般民眾最缺乏的維他命種類!攝取維他命D (主要指維他命D3)最好的方法是多曬太陽,尤其早上的太陽,穿短袖,不塗防曬油(除非是曝曬一小時以上;如果是為了維他命D3和太陽光對人體健康的多種好處,塗防曬油曬太陽就等於沒有曬一樣)
💉在台灣一般醫院和醫事檢驗所的驗血報告裡可以要求加入這兩項檢驗;費用上,甲狀腺參數大約是500元左右,維他命D較貴,可能超過1000元。甲狀腺參數項目包括:TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), Free T4 (thyroxine), 和 Free T3 or total T3 (triiodothyronine)
🏃🏻♂️ 男性長跑者要注意防止BMI 降太低
“The purpose of this study was to investigate sex differences in the HS of endurance runners of different distances. A total of 281 female and male recreational runners completed an online survey. Health status included body mass, smoking habits, felt stress, chronic diseases, allergies, intolerances, medication intake, supplement intake, health-related food choice, enhancement substance use, and health care utilization.”
Key findings:
“There was a higher prevalence of hypothyroidism in women; the use of thyroid medication and the intake of hormones and supplements prescribed by a doctor were more common in women; men reported more often a decrease in body mass due to running training, and women reported more often choosing food to obtain phytochemicals…
Based on the findings of this study, monitoring thyroid parameters and vitamin D levels is required in female athletes, whereas adequate body mass control strategies are needed for their male counterparts.”