Optimal way to eat organ meat 牛羊內臟營養豐富,這樣吃營養爆表

建議讀者不要自己輕易嘗試,文末有重要更新和說明 Important update at the end of this article! You are advised not to try this yourself.

Organ meat is by far the most nutrient-dense food on earth for human being, more than the muscle meat. Why? I will address this topic in upcoming articles as I am now experimenting with carnivore-ish diet. For now, one source of information I can point you to is the 2020/8/28 podcast episode on Bulletproof Radio, when Paul Saladino, MD, the author of the 2020 best seller book “The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Diet”, was interviewed by Dave Asprey.

對人類的生理健康而言,肉類食品裡的內臟其實是地球上營養價值最高的食物。 為什麼? 我會在以後的文章中討論這個主題,因為我現在正在嘗試90%肉食的飲食方式。 目前,我可以跟您分享的信息來源之一是防彈廣播中的2020/8/28播客集,在那一集裡頭,防彈咖啡發明人Dave Asprey採訪了醫學博士保羅·薩拉迪諾(Paul Saladino),裡面有很豐富和有趣的討論。 薩拉迪諾博士是2020年暢銷書《肉食動物密碼: 回到我們祖先的飲食中去尋找最佳健康的秘密》的作者。

No, I did not talk about why organ meat like beef liver and kidney are the most nutrient dense food in this video. You should read that in the book mentioned above. What I shared in this video was an optimal way to eat it to get the most nutrients out of it.

在這段影片裡我並沒有討論為什麼視頻中的牛肝和腎等器官肉是營養最豐富的食物。想深入了解的人,我建議您可以去讀上面提到那本書。 在這段影片中我分享的是牛肝和牛腰子的一種最佳食用方式,這種方式可以保存最多的營養成分讓您吸收。

Until my next article, as Dr. Saladino’s slogan goes, “Get Radical.”

發文16小時後的更新和補充說明:動物內臟生吃其實是有風險,因為可能會吃進去不好的細菌甚至寄生蟲。所以昨天晚上我只吃了兩小片,是抱著實驗的心態。生理駭客 (Biohacking) 是一個根據科學勇於嘗試去追求最佳健康狀態的態度。對於昨晚的實驗,我目前的看法是:在找到可以有效大量降低含箘風險的方法之前,一般人不宜嘗試生吃動物內臟,包括我自己。至於昨晚的嘗試,還是有它的意義,因為,你相信嗎?在吃了那兩小片的生牛肝和腰子後到睡覺前的三個多小時,我感覺生理上和精神上的能量比平時高許多。我無法證明這不是心理作用 ,但60歲的我跟別人不一樣的特點之一就是我對自己身體的感覺非常靈敏,我想說對於昨晚吃了以後的感覺我有70-80%的信心認為那不是心理作用。另外,今早醒來看我 Ouraring 戒指上的數據,我的睡眠品質也比平日高許多。這表示,專家們(such as Dave Asprey and Paul Saladino) 說的”未經烹飪煮熟的內臟所含的營養成分高很多”應該是可信的。今早我有連繫 Dr. Saladino,問他有沒有什麼方法可以降低生吃內臟的風險,如果他有回覆,我再跟大家分享。

Additional takeaway and reminder for readers (16 hours after my experiment): Eating raw animal organs is risky, because it may contain bad bacteria and even parasites. That’s why last night I ate only two small slices as an experiment. Biohacking is an attitude to pursue optimal health based on science that is usually ignored or suppressed by main stream society (likely influenced by the big pharmas). Regarding the experiment last night, my current view is: Until a method is found to effectively reduce the risk of getting bad bacteria and parasites into the gut, it is not recommended for ordinary people to eat raw animal organs, myself included. As for the venture last night, I think it’s still worth it. Why? Believe or not, in the 3 hours after I ate the two slices of raw organ and before my bedtime, I felt my energy level was elevated both physically and mentally. I can’t prove that was not a placebo effect. But one of the characteristics of 60-year-old me is that I am very sensitive to the state of my physical and mental state. I am 70-80% confident it was not a placebo effect. In addition, my sleep quality data on my Ouraring ring this morning indicates I had a great sleep – both REM and deep sleep scores are higher than my average. This means what the experts (such as Dave Asprey and Paul Saladino) said “raw organ meat is much more nutrient-dense” might be credible. I contacted Dr. Saladino this morning and asked him if there is any way to mitigate the risk of eating raw organs. I will share any further update here or on another post. Stay tuned.

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