(Bilingual Post) 2019年5月24號才剛出版的一本講如何提升運動表現的書,書名叫”PEAK – The New Science of Athletic Performance That is Revolutionizing Sports“, 我十天前剛讀完,覺得很棒,在此搶先把一些重點中譯分享出來!在廣度和深度上,這18個重點佔全書內容不到5%, 可以的話建議讀整本書。在許多重點後面,小編有補充分享個人多年來的親身實驗/實務經驗.
小編註 1:這裡分享的18個重點有一部分來自 the sports, fitness, and health expert I have followed closely for the past 10 years – Ben Greenfield.
小編註 2:以下這18個重點分享都來自於書中的前三部分,第四部份談「心態」,內容較抽象,大部份讀者也許興趣較低,但確是一個對某些運動員特別重要的主題,尤其是賽事將近的運動員,我會寫另一篇分享。
Note:None of the 18 highlights below come from the 4th section in the book, which covers the topic of mindset. It’s a more abstract topic and less people may find it interesting. But it can be more important than the first 3 areas in the book, especially for the athletes whose races are approaching soon. I will share the highlights from that section in another post soon.
1. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep.
The 384-page book covers 4 areas – health, nutrition, recovery, and mindset, which cover dozens of, if not more than a hundred, ways to help athletes improve performance. If I were to pick one single most critical way or guideline that has the most impact on an athlete’s performance, it’s “sleep and circadian rhythm”.
這本384頁的書共分四個部份:健康,營養,恢復,心態.總共談到上百種或至少幾十種可以讓運動員提昇表現的方法.但如果小編只能從這麼多方法之中挑一項對運動表現影響最大的,那就是 #睡眠 和 #晝夜節律 (生理時鐘)
另外,你認為你目前的穿戴式裝置量測到的睡眠品質數據可信嗎?如果你是像很多三鐵運動員一樣使用Garmin 935的話,這一篇N=1 case的報告可以參考一下:
2. Endurance athletes seem to need more sleep than strength athletes, and both seriously suffer when sleep is anything less than 6 hours.
Most coaches demand his/her athletes to sleep for a minimum of 8 hours every night. Some U.S. NBA stars are known to sleep more than 10 hours nightly.
3. Why the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was rewarded to 3 scientists for their work on circadian_rhythm?
為什麼2017年的諾貝爾生理醫學獎頒發給三位研究晝夜節律 (生理時鐘) 的科學家?
In a nutshell, circadian rhythm has a huge impact on not just your sport performance but also your overall health and even longevity.
Elite athletes travel a lot. Even recreational athletes these days love to race overseas, often times across time zones. If you are one of them, you should learn to effectively and efficiently adjust your circadian rhythm when you travel. It starts at the moment you get on board of an airplane. Regimens include controlling your exposure to light, including sunlight and indoor artificial lights (on the airplane, right after you arrive, and in the hotel room), meal time, earthing (walk barefoot on natural ground after you land), and even taking more probiotics.
3.1 控制你周遭的燈光和目的地同步,也就是說,如果目的地現在是白天,你就要勁量讓周遭是亮的,如果目的地現在是日落後,你周遭就近量是黑暗無光,必要時戴眼罩!很重要一點是:到目的地後如果是白天,就近量在室外多曬太陽,即使是陰天,也要多走出室外,等到當地就寢時間到了再睡.隔天早上不要賴床,早點到戶外走動,能曬太陽最好
3.2 用餐時間盡量和目的地同步
3.3 接地氣!到目的地後找時間打赤腳在泥地,草地,或沙灘上散步或跑步半小時
3.4 在飛機上多吃益生箘,可以是平日的2~3倍,另配少高纖維食物如地瓜,芋頭,未熟的綠芭蕉,西洋芹.
4. Start tracking your HRV tonight
今晚就開始量測記錄你的 心跳變化率 (HRV, Heart Rate Variability)
At wakeup in the morning, many athlete assess their recovery from training the day before and readiness for trainings ahead for the day by checking their Resting Heart Rate (RHR). A better and more accurate method is to check your HRV (Heart Rate Variability). Accuracy and convenience all taken into account, HRV is by far the best biomarker for your stress level (hence recovery), especially if you can record your HRV during your entire sleep overnight (the curve, average, high, and the low). Best consumer grade wearable device for such function I know of and have personally used fir 3 years is the Ouraring (www.ouraring.com). The Ouraring works better for tracking your HRV overnight than being used on demand during day time (for example, right before or after a training session.) That is, accumulative HRV data over a long period is more valuable than occasional application to measure acute stress level. Also, for assessing recovery, HRV is more suited and effective for endurance athletes than athletes in other sports.
很多運動員都知道要在早上起床後量測 ”休息心律” 來評估身體的恢復狀況,幫助決定在新的一天裡訓練強度可以提高或該降低.其實評估身體恢復狀況比 “休息心律” 更準確的是 “心跳變化率” (HRV). HRV 的量測一般不在看當下量到的數據,而是看整晚睡眠時的數據變化及平均值,而且要參考過去幾天甚至幾週的數據.
防彈大叔補充:量測 ”HRV+睡眠品質”最準確的方法是到醫院用醫療等級的儀器做,但你必須在醫院睡一晚,花費一萬元以上,健保不給付,而且你量測到的只是一晚的數據.較實惠也較實用的方法(因為可以做歷史曲線分析)是用配戴式裝置。目前量測”HRV+睡眠品質”非醫療等級的配戴式裝置最好的應是這支戒指: Oura Ring (https://www.ouraring.com).
5. Fitness does not equate to Health
體適能 (Fitness, 指運動上的身手、條件、表現) 不等於健康
An over-arching principle highlighted repeatedly by the author is the concept of “an athlete must have good health first before she can peak in performance” and the notion of “fitness does not equate to health”. Fitness refers to an athlete’s capability in achieving high performance, while health refers to how healthy (i.e., biophysically sound and less frequently to get sick) an athlete is and can be measured by medically proved biomarkers (e.g., morning fasted blood glucose level, HbA1C, hs-CRP, insulin sensitivity, etc.) An athlete who is on the podium frequently yet suffers from frequent post-race injuries and flus is one that is very fit but unhealthy.
作者在書裡多次重複強調一個觀念,就是運動員要有好的成績和表現的前提是要先有健康的身體.作者一直在強調 ”體適能” 跟 “健康” 是兩回事.體適能指的是在運動及體能上的矯健和好成績或好身手;健康指的是 “很少或從不生病,很少有運動傷害”.一個人是否健康不是看他跑全馬是 “sub 3” 還是 “sub 5”,而是要看他的體檢數據,例如:空腹血糖,HbA1C [三個月平均血糖],hs-CRP [高敏感度體內發炎指數],insulin sensitivity [胰島素敏感度],等等,甚至Telomere[基因端粒]的長度).
防彈大叔補充說明:這麼說好了,一個比賽老是登凸台但賽後常感冒或有運動傷害 [例:腳踝或IBT痠痛兩三天] 的三鐵運動員是很厲害 [很 fit] ,但卻不是一個最健康的人!短期來看,這樣的運動員往往過36或37歲就被年輕的小鮮肉給比下去而必須考慮退場;中期來看往往42歲看起來像55歲;長遠來看,這樣的耐力運動員絕對不會是活得最健康最長壽的.如果有人覺得這是危言聳聽,小編再另貼文分享醫學上在這方面的研究報告.時下台灣長程耐力運動風氣方興未艾,但不管是媒體,運動圈,甚至教練們,似乎絕大部份只關注 累積里程 (pilnig up milage),成績 (sub-8, sub3, etc.),和排名(ranking),對”健康“的討論極少,這是一個令人憂心的現象.我常說,有三種人對自己的健康(含飲食,生活型態,壓力排解,和排毒)必須下更多的功夫:病人,老人,和 運動員 (尤其耐力運動員) !並不是每週跑120K騎300K加上每季上一次凸台就能保證你在生理上比不常運動的素人健康,這是在長程耐力運動圈內一個很需要被喚醒的迷思
6. Should an endurance athlete train with lowcarb fuel? The answer is yes but not always.
耐力運動員訓練時是否應該用 低碳高脂 的能量補給品?答案:是的,但不要每天每次訓練都採行低碳高脂
According to James Morton, PhD, sport nutritionist for Team SKY (and four-time Tour de France champion Chris Froome), if you deliberately engage in training sessions with inadequate (reduced) glycogen fuel stores, it can activate molecular pathways that promote muscle adaptations. This new “Train Low, Compete High” paradigm (more recently dubbed “carb periodization”) has researchers giddy at the prospect of the plethora of potential training strategies for inducing adaptations that might elicit tangible performance gains. Morton’s work has been pivotal in Chris Froome’s remarkable winning performances at the Tour de France. Dr. Morton’s work suggests endurance athletes should periodically undergo training sessions (30–50 percent of the time) with reduced carbohydrate availability to trigger acute cell-signaling pathways that yield positive adaptations in skeletal muscle, and in some cases, improved exercise performance. Interestingly, the evidence is accumulating so quickly that the recent Position Stand by the ACSM and Dietitians of Canada gives the same suggestion as an evidence-based strategy for supporting endurance performance. We know high-carb works, but the evidence is clear that altering carbohydrates can also enhance training effects. It’s about training day nutrition strategies versus race day nutrition strategies.
環法單車常勝軍Team SKY(含四次冠軍的Chris Froome)的專任營養師詹姆斯摩頓說,如果你在訓練時刻意降低體內肝糖的儲存量,你體內就會啟動某些”分子途徑”來提高你肌肉的調適能力.這種對碳水化合物”訓練時少用,比賽時多用”的新方法(最近有人給了一個新名詞叫”週期化的碳水化合物攝取”)讓這個領域的研究人員對於加入這個”週期化”後衍生出來的多種可以確實提昇運動表現的諸多訓練策略上的可能性感到目眩眼花!摩頓博士的研究在Chris Froome環法賽的非凡表現是一個關鍵因素.摩頓博士的研究裡建議耐力運動員應該定期在訓練中採取降低碳水化合物的能量補給方式(約佔總訓練的30-50%),這樣可以快速啟動可以提升肌肉調適能力的分子細胞途徑,進而可能提升運動表現.這個理論的驗證正在快速累積,乃至最近美國ACSM (The American College of Sports Medicine)和加拿大營養師協會(Dietitians of Canada)也都在”對提升耐力運動表現”的”官方立場建議”調整為和摩頓博士的主張一樣.我們都知道碳水化合物很重要,但證據顯示,刻意降低碳水化合物的攝取,可以提升訓練成效.很重要的觀念:訓練期的營養攝取策略和比賽當天的策略是應該不一樣的
So during race day, you want more carb in your fuel. Sport scientists investigating Ironman competitors found that women took in 1 g/kg bodyweight per hour of carbs while men took in a little more at 1.1 g/kg/hour. They also noticed Ironman competitors consumed the most carbs during the bike ride at 1.5 g/kg/hour, which is triple the amount compared to the run portion of the competition. Interestingly, how it impacted the bottom line varied: in men it correlated very highly with performance, while in women not so much.
7. Does my physical size impact my carb dose during training?
The research says no. Remember, your gut is the limiting factor when it comes to absorption of simple sugars, and it is largely independent of your bodyweight.
8. Eating carbs too far from a performance event (e.g. 60-75 minutes) results in hypoglycemia before the event (which negatively impact your performance) vs. consuming them closer to the event (e.g. 20-45 minutes).
So, don’t take your pre-race carb too early. Take it within 20-45 minutes prior to race start.
訓練或比賽前攝取碳水化合物的時間如果太早 (例如,60-75分鐘前)會導致低血糖,降低你的表現;但如果是20-45分鐘前攝取就不會.所以要記住,賽前或訓練前的那次碳水化合物攝取不要太早,最好是20-45分鐘內
9. Aerobic training for strength athletes could assist with their immune system strength.
10. Loading with probiotics (益生箘) for 2 weeks leading up to competition could give you an ergogenic edge.
11. Elite athletes on a subpar diet show the same blood biomarkers as those with pre-diabetes and a fructosamine blood test can be one of the best ways to measure this. (This goes along with the concept of “health vs. fitness”.)
即使是菁英選手,如果沒有注意飲食,往往在生化驗血報告上呈現出和 前期糖尿病患者 相同的結果;最好測試方法是檢驗血液中的果糖胺
防彈大叔補充:這一點就呼應到上面提到的觀念「運動員的 好身手和好成績 跟 健康 的身體 不一定可以畫上等號 」。
12. Top supplements proven to work in exercise science, with the strongest track history, are creatine, caffeine, nitrate precursors (e.g. beet), whey protein, beta-alanine, and sodium bicarbonate.
在運動科學領域裡,具備最強有力及最久紀錄證明有效的 #營養補極品 是: 肌酸,咖啡因,硝酸盐前驅物(例如甜菜根),乳清蛋白,β-丙氨酸,碳酸氫鈉(小蘇打)
防彈大叔補充: 乳清蛋白要嚴選,台灣市面上販售的95%免費送我我都不會吃
13. The three most overrated supplements that don’t hold up to the evidence: BCAAs, arginine, and glutamine (Note: glutamine is effective in fixing gut issues but not in sport performance or recovery).
最浮誇經不起驗證的運動員營養補給品前三名:BCAA, 精胺酸,麩醯胺酸
破除BCAA能幫助增長肌肉和人體蛋白質的迷思: BCAA和EAA的差別
14. Fish oil can stimulate muscle building by stimulating mTOR pathways. Vitamin D and creatine are also very good for recovery, not just performance. Creatine can even be helpful for TBI/concussions.
魚油可以透過人體的 mTOR 訊號通路激發肌肉修復和增長.維他命D和肌酸不只可以提升運動表現,也會加速恢復.肌酸甚至可以幫助TBI和腦震盪的恢復
防彈大叔補充:大部份市面上的維他命D補充劑果不佳甚至無效,撇步:採用滴在舌頭下的維他命D(in liposomal form),同時服用 維他命K2.比這個更好的方法是每天曬半小時以上的太陽(短袖短褲,不塗防曬油)
15. Does caffeine work for all athletes?
Many athletes now are familiar with using caffeine during a race to enhance performance. According to genetic science, not all athletes benefit from caffeine. Athletes with the CC genotype of the CYP1A2 gene are actually hampered in performance in response to caffeine intake. Athletes with the AA genotype benefit most from caffeine. Those with an A/C gene type gain an average (mediocre) enhancement in performance from caffeine. (防彈大叔’s genotype is A/C. I have done my own gene sequencing test 3 years ago.)
現在很多運動員都知道比賽時定時攝取咖啡因可以提身運動表現.但根據人體基因科學的研究,咖啡因並非對所有運動員都有幫助.如果你的 CYP1A2基因 的 “基因型” (genotype) 是 CC,咖啡因反倒會降低你的運動表現!基因型是AA的運動員攝取咖啡因後表現提升最明顯;基因型是 A/C 的運動員受益於咖啡因的程度算適中(普通)
防彈大叔補充:台灣最近開始有廠商提供基因檢測,但範疇有限,價錢也比國外貴很多.小編本人在三年前就做過23andme (https://www.23andme.com)的全套基因排序,費用只要美金200元,當時我人在美國,但他們有提供國外服務,你在網站上註冊付款,他們會郵寄“測試試管”給你,你在試管內吐入收集約20-30毫升的口水,封起來寄回去,幾週後就可以在網路上看到你的數十種“健康報告”,包括很有趣的”你喝酒後容不容易臉紅,”咖啡對你睡眠的影響程度“,”你比較適合從事耐力運動還是爆發醒運動”,”你是不是一個比較有同理心(empathy)的人”,甚至很嚴肅的”年長後得愛滋海默症的風險”,上面討論的CYP1A2只是你可以慢慢去研讀的數百個基因之一.然後我必須說,23andme的健康報告裡對我的評估到目前為止每一項都準到不行!
16. High sugar intake is associated with lower heart rate variability (HRV).
甜食和高澱粉食品吃越多,心跳變化率 (HRV) 越低 !
17. Cold water immersion (CWI) is an effective way to speed up recovery. CWI has been proved to shorten DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) and reduce the soreness after a hard training. Whether post-training CWI helps improve athletic functions is still being debated. How to do CWI? The general consensus from recovery expert Dr. Shona Halson is 11–15 minutes in a tub at 11–15°C (59°F) is a good evidence-based option.
浸泡冷水對加速運動後的恢復很有效,可以縮短超強度運動後的 “延遲性肌肉痠痛期”並紓緩痠痛感.至於浸泡冷水是否可以提升運動員的功能表現目前還有爭議性.浸泡冷水要怎麼做?根據運動恢復專家哈爾森博士的建議是:在11-15度C的水中浸泡11-15分鐘
防彈大叔補充:這一味是我的菜,更好的做法是在這樣的冷水中泡15分鐘後,跳到40-42度的熱水池中泡30秒,然後再跳回冷水池30秒,如此重複3-4次,甚至更多次。另,除了加速恢復外,冷水浸泡對身體健康還有很多其他好處,最明顯的是提高免疫力. Google “cold thermogenesis” for more information.
18. Hot water immersion (HWI) ? Researches on HWI is relatively less convincing in helping recovery. Experts agree that hot-water immersions cannot yet be recommended as recovery technique after quality training sessions or competition.
About the Author 原文書作者介紹:
Dr. Marc Bubbs ND, CISSN, CSCS, is the Performance Nutrition Lead for the Canadian men’s national basketball team, a speaker, and a former strength and conditioning coach. He is also the host of the Dr. Bubbs Performance Podcast, connecting listeners with world experts in nutrition, training, functional health, and mental performance. Dr. Bubbs regularly presents at health, fitness, and medical conferences across Canada, the United States, UK, and Europe and consults with professional sports teams in the NBA, NFL, NHL, and MLB. He practices in Toronto, Canada, and London, England, helping athletes and clients struggling with obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome improve their health.