肌肉越少用,腦幹細胞越容易萎縮 Leg Exercise is Critical to Brain and Nervous System Health (especially for older people)

(Bilingual) 2018年5月由意大利兩所大學9位學者聯合在 Frontiers in Neuroscience發表的一篇醫學研究報告指出,人體用來承受超大重量的大塊肌肉(大腿和臀肌)越是少用,腦神經細胞 越容易退化!在腦神經學領域裡這算是一個顛覆傳統認知的報告;以往腦神經專家們認爲,神經訊號只從大腦往身體四肢肌肉傳送,大腦掌控肌肉的運作和增長;現在卻發現這個訊號輸送管道其實是雙向的。在老鼠的實驗裡已證實,限制老鼠的腿部活動造成腦幹細胞增生率降低了70%。觀察指出,人體大塊肌肉(尤其下半身)的承重使用會發送一種訊號回大腦,此訊號對腦幹細胞增生很重要。

A medical research report published in Frontiers in Neuroscience by nine scholars from two Italian universities in May 2018 pointed out that the less muscles (thighs and gluteus muscles) the human body uses to withstand excessive weight, the easier it is for the brain nerve cells to deteriorate! In the field of brain neurology, this is a report that subverts conventional wisdom; in the past, brain neurologists believed that nerve signals were only transmitted from the brain to the muscles in the limbs of the body, and the brain controlled the operation and growth of muscles; but now it is found that this signal transmission channel is actually bidirectional. Experiments in mice have confirmed that restricting the activity of mice’s legs caused a 70% decrease in the rate of brain stem cell proliferation. Observation indicates that the weight-bearing use of large muscles (especially the lower body) of the human body sends a signal back to the brain. This signal is important for brain stem cell proliferation.


1. 解釋了為何久臥病床的人在床上越久病情惡化越快。
2. 年紀大的人多做下半身的重訓(蹲舉是最好的典範),除了可減緩骨質疏鬆症以外,更可以減緩腦神經細胞老化!

EurekAlert 網站的介紹文(易懂 Article for lay people):

Leg exercise is critical to brain and nervous system health

研究報告本文(不是學醫的人讀起來較艱澀 Research report the article above referred.):

Reduction of Movement in Neurological Diseases: Effects on Neural Stem Cells Characteristics

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