Father of Functional Medicine on the strategy to fight COVID-19 冠狀病毒因應對策: 功能醫學教父的最新看法
西方功能醫學教父傑佛瑞.布蘭德博士幾天前針對美國政府和大眾應該用怎樣的對策因應冠狀病毒提出客觀實際的建議,發文在Medium 雜誌。
西方功能醫學教父傑佛瑞.布蘭德博士幾天前針對美國政府和大眾應該用怎樣的對策因應冠狀病毒提出客觀實際的建議,發文在Medium 雜誌。
This article is a digest from chapter 5 in Catherine Shanahan̵
建議讀者不要自己輕易嘗試,文末有重要更新和說明 Important update at the end of this articl
Here are the highlights from a Sep. 3, 2020 NY Times article. 本文是2
A landmark finding in the treatment of covid-19 was just published
This is a somewhat comprehensive yet still easy-to-understand arti
Heat acclimation is one of the channels into homeostasis, which is
(Bilingual post) This article is a reduced version of an excellent
“The secret to healthy skin is not about what you put on you
防彈大叔觀點 Remarks by Coach Denys: This is another evidence that suppo
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下面幾個重點詮釋取自功能醫學界一位很有名的醫學博士今天早上的郵件分享,是我一直在追隨的 克里斯·馬斯特約翰博士。Key takeaw