Anti-aging with Coach Denys, Episode #4 – Amount, type , and timing of food intake
Agenda: The 5 parameters in determining if a diet is healthy for y
Agenda: The 5 parameters in determining if a diet is healthy for y
內容大綱: 1. 決定飲食健康的五個主要因素 2. 為什麼食物的「種類」比「份量」更重要? 3. 為什麼進食的「時間」也很重要? 觀
本集大綱: 1. 為什麼要「抗老化」? 2. 抗老化方法第一招:維持新陳代謝健康 2.1 為什麼「新陳代謝不健康」會加速老化? 2.
甜食,尤其高果糖糖漿對身體不好,這一點無論在科學或大眾媒體上早就已經不是新聞,包括會導致非酒精性脂肪肝病。前幾天在Nature Br
A Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) can be used by people without d
西方功能醫學教父傑佛瑞.布蘭德博士幾天前針對美國政府和大眾應該用怎樣的對策因應冠狀病毒提出客觀實際的建議,發文在Medium 雜誌。
This article is a digest from chapter 5 in Catherine Shanahan̵
建議讀者不要自己輕易嘗試,文末有重要更新和說明 Important update at the end of this articl
This is a somewhat comprehensive yet still easy-to-understand arti
“The secret to healthy skin is not about what you put on you
防彈大叔觀點 Remarks by Coach Denys: This is another evidence that suppo